Alien (teaser)

By L. G. Merrick
Illustrated by Steve Morris

Clock the UFO and — hell, nothing “unidentified” about it. It’s a goddamn alien spaceship. Cigar-shaped. Black as starless night, almost didn’t see it — except when it pulses with a faint blue aura. Like a wingless 777, gliding slowly along the edge of the forest, level with the treetops. 

Which forest is not important. Could tell you, have to kill you. 

Sorry, that’s as far as you can read today, because instead of posting this story, we decided to submit it to a reputable publisher. If they accept it, you can brag that you knew all about its opening paragraph way ahead of time. If they don’t accept it (as occasionally happens), maybe then we’ll put it here. Check back in a few weeks to find out.

In the meantime, enjoy the art that’s meant to go with the story. . .